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    Course Introduction

    건강한 삶을 유지하기 위해서는 올바른 식습관의 형성이 중요함으로 기능성 식품과 건강이 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알 수 있다.해주십시요.

    • 건강기능식품의 발달, 효능에 대해 학습한다.
    • 축산물을 활용한 건강기능식품의 제조 원리를 학습한다.
    Course Operators
    • 김형상 교수

      • 학력 및 경력 

       - 전남대학교 농학박사

      • 연구실적 및 저서
      - Hyeong Sang Kim, Seung Yun Lee, Sun Jin Hur. 2019. Effects of different starter cultures on the biogenic amine concentrations, mutagenicity, oxidative stress, and neuroprotective activity of fermented sausages and their relationships. Journal of Functional Foods. 52:424-429.

      - Hyeong Sang Kim, Sun Jin Hur. 2018. Degradation of various insecticides in cooked eggs during in vitro human digestion. Environmental Pollution. 243(Pt A):437-443.

      - Hyeong Sang Kim, Sun Jin Hur. 2018. Effects of in vitro human digestion on the antioxidant activity and stability of lycopene and phenolic compounds in pork patties containing dried tomato prepared at different temperatures. Journal of Food Science. 83(7):1816-1822.

      - 기초 육제품 제조학(2017.8.31.)


      구본화 연구원

      한경국립대학교 원격교육지원센터
      ☎ 031-670-5579

    Other / Inquiries

    Field Natural (Biology, Chemistry & Environmental Science)

    Difficulty beginner

    Operating Institute Hankyong National University

    Certificate Unissued

    Week 15 Week

    Learning recognition time 13Hour 00Minute (12Hour 40Minute)

    Course Registration Period 24.07.01 ~ 24.08.31

    Course Duration 24.07.01 ~ 24.08.31

    Phone Number 031-670-5579

    Subtitle language 한국어 Others 1ea

    Course language 한국어(ko)

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