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    Multilingual settings

    K-MOOC Introduction

    a Korean online open course,
    draw your future.

    The meaning and vision of K-MOOC

    The meaning and vision of K-MOOC

    MOOC stands for Massive, Open, Online, and Course, which means an open online learning course.

    K-MOOC dreams of a colorful future.

    By connecting learners and educators even closer,
    we will help many people create a better, new, and more colorful future than yesterday.

    Energetic Activities

    • Fair

      Participation in the Lifelong Learning Fair every year

    • Talk concert

      A talk concert where professors of participating universities and learners
      meet, talk, and have various performances.

    • Special Class

      Offer opportunities to attend lectures in person at the university

    How to use by learner type

    • Teenager

      Use online learning materials

      Utilization of future study and career exploration

    • University/Graduate Student

      Preliminary class preparation and advanced (supplementary) learning

      Pre-learning for transfer student

    • General adult learner

      Learning by level that reflects aptitude and interest
      (Intensive major, basic major, liberal arts)

      Recent Knowledge and Information Acquisition

    • Jobs Seekers · Workers

      Empowering individuals to start a business

      Discovering start-up items and utilize information
      Use for vocational training

    • Professor

      Diversification of class activities through flipped learning

    • University

      Analyze learning data to develop
      teaching and learning strategies

      Promoting teaching and learning innovation,
      such as flipped learning

    ※ Flipped Learning

    A 'Flipped Learning Class' conducts team projects, discussion-type classes, etc. in offline classes after pre-learning online.